Friday 16 November 2012

Census of Priolo juvenile taking place until the end of the month

It is taking place since September 8th the census of Priolo juvenile. This census is held annually on 20 transects in all SPA Pico da Vara / Ribeira do Guilherme, except for one which is in Pico da Areia, Furnas. This census is extremely important to follow the evolution of this endangered endemic species.

The census recruitment of juvenile Priolo, Pyrrhula murine, is being performed during the month of September 2012 and aims to compare the results with those of previous years. This measure of population monitoring was held annually from 2006 to 2008, under the LIFE Priolo Project. After a year of interregnum it was possible to conduct this census back in 2010 through the Preventing Extinctions Program and again after a year of interregnum, will be held again, this time by Rúben Coelho trainee of the Life Sustainable Laurel Forest Project.

The census of juveniles is done through "visual capture" of Priolos on 20 transects conducted on foot, in the area of distribution of the species, from the 8 to the 30th of September. Each transect will be performed twice, with an break of approximately 10 days and at different periods: morning from 7:00am to 12:00am and afternoon from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. The Priolos observed were distinguished between juveniles and adults and the results were analyzed in the same way. During the transect it was seen the registers of feeding and the presence of color bands on the Priolos.

This census is of utmost importance since it allows, not only comparing the results with previous years, thus obtaining an estimate of the number of juveniles, but also the evolution of Priolo in recent years.

Let’s hope the weather cooperates!

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