Tuesday 11 October 2011

Nordeste hosts Forum for the Sustainable Tourism

The II Forum for the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) in the Lands of Priolo will take place on October 14th, at 2 pm in the Centro Municipal de Actividades Culturais de Nordeste. The main purpose of the ECST in the Lands of Priolo is to conciliate the economic sustainable development of the populations in these areas with the conservation of Priolo and his habitat. The Forum continuous the process that has been bringing together the several partner entities, as well has all the interested businessmen that develop the activities related to tourism, handicraft and the restaurant trade, in the Lands of Priolo.

In this II Forum it will be debated the Strategy of Sustainable Touristic Development in the Lands of Priolo, developed through the propositions presented by all the participants in the first Forum, that took place in Povoação and that has the support of the entities that promotes this process (Direcção Regional de Turismo, Direcção Regional dos Recursos Florestais, Câmara Municipal de Nordeste, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, SPRAçores e Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento Rural – ASDEPR).

With the participation of all the interested parties, the main purpose in this Forum is to present proposals to the Action Plan for the next 5 years, with tangible measures that have to be adopted by everyone involved, with the intention of reaching all the defined objectives in the Strategy.

This process lays in a participated methodology, in which the entities, the businessmen and the interested local people are invited to contribute to define the type of tourism that are pretended to be developed in this territory, having always the intent in economic, social and ambient sustainability. All the interested in participating can do so through the website http://cetsmarcapriolo.blogspot.com.

The main purpose of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, of which the first forum took place last May, is to enrich the natural and cultural patrimony of Povoação and Nordeste promoting partnership and synergies creation between the economic agents, the institutions and the responsible for the nature conservation in a way that guarantees profits to the local people.

After the Forum the Guide “Azores – Lands of Priolo” will be presented. This Guide has a set of information related to the plant and animal life in the ZPE Pico da Vara/Ribeira do Guilherme, as several informations about the towns from both councils, gastronomy, walking trails and other information of ambient and touristic interest.

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